Researcher Reflections: Johan Onslev

Posted on 25.03.2024

Johan Onslev completed his PhD Scholarship on ‘Identification of Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Muscle Glucose Utilization During Exercise and Enhanced Insulin Sensitivity’ at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports in July 2023 with a grant from Danish Diabetes Academy (DDA) (now known as Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy).

We have asked Johan Onslev to reflect on his time as a DDA-funded researcher.

What was a highlight in your time as a DDA-funded researcher?

The DDEA Summer school was a blast. Great venue, excellent scientific presentations within both basic and clinical science as well as unique industrial inputs.

Read more about this year’s Summer School on Diabetes, Metabolism and Endocrinology for PhD Students.

What was a low-point in your time as a DDA-funded researcher?

COVID-19 lock-downs that delayed the conduction of the clinical experiments by a year.

Who were your most important collaborators?

Professor Nils Færgeman, University of Southern Denmark within metabolomics and lipidomics. Principal Research Fellow Sean Humphrey, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute within Phosphoproteomics.

Which DDA event that you attended was your favourite, and why?

Again, the DDEA Summer School cannot be recommended highly enough.

If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice before starting your research project, what would it be?

Hofstadter’s Law, Hofstadter’s Law and Hofstadter’s Law.

What is next for you?

Hopefully, I will initiate my medical specialization in endocrinology shortly and continue in my position as a Postdoc part-time as well.

Where do you hope to be in 10 years?

Combining clinical endocrinology with basic and translational research as an endocrinologist and clinical associate professor.

We wish Johan Onslev all the best in his future career.

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