Nicklas Rasmussen, MD, PhD

Steno Diabetes Center North Jutland and Hjørring Regional Hospital

Title of project

Pioneering Solutions for Diabetic Bone Disease and Falls via Unraveling Neuropathy’s Conductive Mystery


People with diabetes exhibit an increased susceptibility to fractures and falling incidents compared to the general population. This is associated with significant socioeconomic ramifications associated with elevated morbidity and mortality rates. Several risks for falling exists e.g. medication, diabetic complications, reduced eyesight, hypoglycemia, stroke and balance disturbances. Moreover, disorders in balance, such as impaired postural control resulting from neuropathic complications and certain pharmacologic interventions, have been hypothesized as important contributors to this increased risk. However, the impact on each risk factor on the overall probability of falling remains unknown.

To address this knowledge gap, this current research project proposes an investigation into the cross field of impaired postural control and diabetic neuropathy to determine their individual effects on the incidence of falls and fractures. This investigation will encompass epidemiological studies aimed at identifying fracture risk factors and two clinical studies aiming at identifying the causes to impaired postural control and relations between bone markers and body composition on bone, respectively.

With this project, we have the potential to mitigate the most prominent and frequent causes of falling and resultant fractures, thus enhancing the quality of life for individuals with diabetes. Additionally, it may provide healthcare practitioners with the necessary awareness and resources to address the elevated risk of falls and fractures among those with diabetes.

Nicklas Rasmussen, MD, PhD

20%-financed clinical postdoctoral fellowship

Principal investigator

Peter Vestergaard, Steno Diabetes Center North Jutland

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