Call for Applications for the DDEA Committee for Education

Posted on 10.10.2024

Join the Committee for Education of the Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy and influence future DDEA education and networking activities.

We are looking for members for the second term of our Committee for Education (1 July 2025-31 December 2027).

The committee includes scientific professionals who provide expert advice to guide DDEA’s strategy within two of our four activity areas: education and networking.

Deadline for application: 31 January 2025

As a Committee for Education member, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Establish the annual academic, scientific programme of DDEA and organise select education and networking activities
  • Discuss and influence the strategy of DDEA within education and networking
  • Create collaborations with other national and international scientists

Eligible candidates

We are looking for candidates from research institutions in Denmark including academia, hospitals, and life science industry. Candidates may have a Danish or an international background, and must be employed at research institutions in Denmark. 

Candidates must have competences and expertise within diabetes or classical endocrinology research (basic, clinical, translational, interdisciplinary, epidemiology, qualitative, etc.) and/or researcher training. 

Candidates must be passionate about providing excellent research education to early-career scientists and promoting networking and collaboration within diabetes and endocrine research fields nationally and internationally.

Appointment, meetings and remuneration

Committee members will serve for 2.5 years. Members are required to attend one in-person meeting and one online meeting per year, and be available on an ad hoc basis to carry out the duties of the Committee and its sub-committees. Members will receive no remuneration, but travel and accommodation costs will be reimbursed.

Term of service: 1 July 2025 to 31 December 2027

Application process

Applications must be written in English and submitted via our online application form.

Your application should include the following documents (in one single PDF file only):

  1. Motivation letter (1/2-1 A4 page) where you describe the following:
    • Your motivation for applying for membership
    • What you can contribute to the committee, including how you will fulfill your duties by leveraging your expertise, competences and experience (profile), as described in the terms of references. Additionally, explain how you will stay informed about emerging research trends that are essential for training early-career researchers.
  2. CV (max. 2 A4 pages) including 10 most notable publications.

The DDEA Board of Directors will evaluate the incoming applications and appoint the new members to the profile described in the terms of references, considering balance in research area, sector, gender, career level and experience, and national geography.

We will inform you of their decision at the latest by 1 April 2025.

For questions about the application procedure, please contact

Learn more and apply

Learn more about the expected profile, composition and appointment, tasks and responsibilities by reading the terms of references.

Questions about the Committee for Education roles and tasks may be directed to Gretchen Repasky, DDEA Education and Networking Manager at

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