This call is closed. We expect this grant scheme to return in our 2025 call subject to adjustments/modifications.
Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy (DDEA) invites applications for three 50%-financed two-year Strategic Partnership Postdoctoral Fellowships of 600,000 DKK each (covering salary). Additionally, each postdoctoral fellowship grant includes a travel grant of 100,000 DKK and the opportunity to co-organise a DDEA education and networking activity.
DDEA is pleased to announce this entirely new grant scheme, commencing in 2024. The new grants are designed to support and foster transnational strategic partnerships between partners from Denmark and abroad from various sectors and across different fields of research. The grants support both immediate and ongoing transnational collaborative academic research projects, thus establishing new partnerships or strengthening existing partnerships. The grant scheme seeks to harness the unique research capabilities of each partner, facilitate the exchange of knowledge and foster collaborations, particularly for early-career researchers.
Applications can be in any research field within diabetes, metabolism or endocrinology, and applicants can be from both a Danish research institution or from a research institution abroad.
The DDEA Strategic Partnership grants include PhD scholarships (see separate call) and Postdoctoral Fellowships. Additionally, DDEA offers Visiting Researcher Grants (see separate call), which can support and enhance the strategic partnership. Candidates from the same research entity may apply for all three types of grants (subject to regulations regarding the principal supervisor/investigator (PI) detailed below), and the applications may cover the same overall project or different projects. Please note that all three types of grants must be applied for separately by the candidate who will carry out the project and that each application will be evaluated separately. If only one application receives funding, the project must be able to proceed independently of whether the other applications are funded. Please also see the specific criteria for application below.
Deadline for application is 11 September 2024 at 23:59 CET with expected date of reply 11 December 2024.
Please note the following:
In order to apply for a two-year 50%-financed Strategic Partnership postdoctoral fellowship, the following requirements must be fulfilled:
Please also consult our Funding Terms.
* If you do not yet have a PhD degree, you should enclose a statement from the principal supervisor of your PhD thesis indicating when the thesis will be handed in and stating when the defense is expected to take place. Your PhD thesis must be accepted for defense at the time of grant notification, which will be 11 December 2024. Within two weeks of grant notification, you must submit documentation from your PhD school verifying thesis acceptance for defense and the scheduled defense date. You must submit your PhD degree certificate to the DDEA Secretariat within six months of grant notification. Failure to obtain the PhD degree within this period, or if the PhD is not awarded, will result in withdrawal of the fellowship.
** For candidates to be employed at Danish research institutions, please note that you can only be employed as a postdoctoral fellow for a maximum of four years at the same institution (including the potential DDEA postdoctoral fellowship) according to the law and regulations by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education regarding job structure for academic staff at the universities for candidates who apply for a new postdoctoral period at the same university.
*** Your principal investigator(s) must be employed at the research institution(s) where you will be employed and carry out your project.
Applications must be written in English and submitted via our online application form.
Please note that you must have a user login to the DDEA Grant Website before you can submit an application.
You can edit and review your data before the final submission. After submitting your final application, you will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your application – if you do not receive this email, please contact the DDEA Secretariat at to make sure that your application has been successfully submitted. Please note that the date of submission stated in the e-mail is the date when you created the application.
Applicants are required to detail the contributions of the partnership and clearly delineate the collaboration between the Danish and the international partners in their application (see item 5). Documentation for collaboration agreements should be included (see item 11).
You must upload your application in one single PDF file!
The application should include the following documents, which should be numbered as specified below:
0. Title page: Name of applicant, project title, names and affiliations of principal investigator and strategic partner
1. Abstract in English (half A4 page)
2. Lay abstract in Danish (half A4 page) (if you do not speak Danish, please ask your principal investigator to help you write this abstract)
3. Project description including:
The page limit for the project description is five pages (font size 12, single spacing), including figures and tables, but excluding references. We will not consider applications with research plans exceeding the page limit.
4. Motivation letter (half A4 page), including an explanation of why you are the right candidate to complete the project and your future career plans. If you plan to continue your postdoctoral studies in the same department/institution as you conducted your PhD studies, please include a description of the advantages of continuing your studies in the same research environment.
5. A short description (one to two A4 pages) on how your research project relates to the four DDEA funding focus areas*: Internationalisation, interdisciplinarity, collaboration across sectors, and patient and/or public involvement (as four separate paragraphs). Importantly, the reviewers will also assess this part.
In the paragraph regarding ‘internationalisation’ you must include a description of the partnership between the two institutions involved in the project (the Danish research institution and the institution abroad), including the purpose of the partnership and why it is important for the project, a description of the commitment of each partner (e.g. lectures, access to facilities or specific technologies), how the partnership contributes to career development for you as a postdoctoral fellow, and how it supports and fosters a strategic partnership in the short term and the long term. Additionally, it is essential to obtain a formal endorsement, via a signature from the relevant departments, affirming that their department/ institution is committed to participating in the strategic partnership. Documentation for collaboration agreements should be included (item 11).
6. Recommendation letter and acceptance from your principal investigator and your co-principal investigator/strategic partner (i.e. from both the national and international partner), including:
7. Your Curriculum Vitae (including teaching experience, oral and poster presentations at important relevant conferences, assessment and review activities, received grants and/or awards, mobility and international experience) (max. two A4 pages).
8. Your publication list including journal impact factor and number of first author publications (no page limit).
9. Copy of your Master’s degree certificate (including grades).
10. Copy of your PhD diploma or statement from your principal investigator
11. Short Curriculum Vitae of your (main) principal investigator (max. two A4 pages).
12. Other relevant documents e.g. documentation for collaboration agreements between the two partners (email correspondance is sufficient documentation).
The DDEA Secretariat will process all incoming applications. Applications not fulfilling the eligibility criteria and/or technical requirements will not be considered.
All eligible applications will be submitted to the DDEA Grant Review Committee for a scientific evaluation. Evaluation of the applications will consider four evaluation criteria: 1) the applicant; 2) the project; 3) the research environment; and 4) the DDEA four funding focus areas: internationalisation, interdisciplinarity, collaboration across sectors, and patient and/or public involvement.
For further information about the evaluation procedure, selection process and evaluation criteria (including the DDEA funding focus areas), we refer to the guidelines for the DDEA grant review process and evaluation criteria for grants.
We will inform you about the decision by 11 December 2024.
We will fund the postdoctoral fellowship up to an amount of DKK 600,000, partly covering your salary during the two-year project (in 2025-2026).
Please note that we do not cover overhead or operating expenses. However, the postdoctoral fellowship also includes a travel grant of DKK 100,000 (specific funding terms will be outlined in the grant notification letter) and an opportunity to co-organise a DDEA education and networking activity (funded by DDEA).
We grant a 50%-financed Strategic Partnership postdoctoral fellowship provided that the funding for the remaining 50% financing is assured. The documentation of the remaining 50% financing in terms of a grant letter or the like (e.g. signed guarantee from principal investigator or head of department), must be submitted to the DDEA Secretariat at the latest 12 months after grant notification. Otherwise, the fellowship grant will be withdrawn.
If you receive another grant covering salary for the same project as described in your application to DDEA (except for the remaining 50% that you must find other funding for), we reserve the right to withdraw your postdoctoral fellowship grant or part of it.
Employment can take place at a research institution in Denmark or abroad and must take place within 12 months after grant notification. However, at least some part of your employment throughout the postdoctoral fellowship must be at a research institution in Denmark. Your host institution will be responsible for the employment of you as a postdoctoral fellow. We will have no influence on the employment other than allocating the grant to your host institution.
Of Importance, you cannot transfer the DDEA postdoctoral fellowship into an assistant professor or an associate professor position at any time.
As a DDEA grant recipient, we expect you to be an ambassador for DDEA, teach at courses and seminars offered by DDEA, participate in the DDEA activities in general, and submit an annual reporting of activities and research results deriving from the project.
For further information about the Strategic Partnership Postdoctoral Fellowships, please contact Managing Director Tore Christiansen at, tel. +45 2964 6764 or Head of Administration Tine Hylle at, tel. +45 2374 1691.
For information about user login to the DDEA Grant Website, please contact the DDEA Secretariat at or tel. +45 2466 9802 (Office Assistant Mette Roed).
EAN: 5798 0022 30642
Reference: 1025 0006
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